Importation means moving a good from other countries or free zones to Turkish customs area according to applicable importation legislation and customs rules or other entrance and transactions which are accepted to be importation by authorities.
You have to notify customs administration that you are going to import your good, which is transported to Turkey and submitted to customs. This notification is called as “customs declaration” in the customs legislation.
You will use customs declaration form when you notify customs administration about your importation. Customs declaration for importation includes information like sender-receiver firm information, value, tariff, origin, transportation information, taxes if applicable, and accompanying papers.
Importation is called as “entrance to free movement” in importation customs legislation. You can fill a free movement entrance declaration via BİLGE System and give your declarations.
You have to fill customs declaration form in the electronic medium, you cannot fill it manually. Customs transactions are carried out at the electronic medium using BİLGE software which is the abbreviation of the term “Computerized Customs Activities” in Turkish. BİLGE system is the software which makes it possible to carry out all customs transactions from entrance to exit of the good to and from customs area on real time basis. You need a user code, password and an electronic signature in order to enter BİLGE system. You can also do your transactions by giving a proxy to a customs consultancy.
Your liability to pay customs tax due to importation starts at the date this declaration is registered. You can find more information on this on 1st and 10th titles in this part.
Customs administration can check your declaration and annexed documents in order to search their correctness, demand other documents, inspect your good, take samples from your good for detailed inspection and analysis and send this sample to laboratory for analysis.
Scope of control and inspection carried out by customs administration on your importation transaction is determined according to the result of risk analysis performed by the Ministry of Trade.
Customs administration will check your customs declarations, inspect your product if it is necessary and determine your taxes.
You can pay these taxes via State banks.
After that your customs declaration, tax and monetary penalty decisions related with this declaration are automatically closed.
Your goods are delivered to you after controls and payment of taxes by customs administration.
What is Customs Clearance?
Customs Clearance is the service of dealing with transactions and relations with the state during passage of product or services from customs areas at foreign trade activities with a foreign country.
Dispatcher can wonder what customs transaction means and what transportation choices are there before dispatching various goods. Each international maritime dispatch must meet customs clearance quota at each country.
Customs clearance is the procedure which is necessary to give permission to goods transported to a country via a customs agent. In this process, parties of the process will have information about imported or exported dispatches.
Scope of Importation Customs Clearance
Importation customs clearance activities which are also known as customs clearance activities are followed by direct representatives who act in the name or account of others or by representatives who act in their own name for the account of others. These persons are called as customs consultants. Customs consultants give various services while carrying out customs clearance activities.
Customs clearance activities are also followed by persons settled in Turkish Customs area except those dealing with transit transportation. Representatives of maritime, road and airline enterprises and transportation institutions can follow transactions of their goods directly. Direct representatives can be individuals who represent institutions officially. Besides employees of a firm having representation can do this work.
Professional Customs Clearance Services
Customs clearance services are given by customs consultancy companies. Customers have to give proxy to customs consultants in order to execute customs clearance activities. After taking proxy, customs consultants act in their own name and carry out operations at customs administrations in the name of proxy givers.
Scope of customs clearance activities are generally as follows:
- Determination of Customs Tariff Statistical Position (GTİP) before submitting customs declaration,
- Analysis of tax and procedures according to the customs regime that goods will be subject to,
- Application and follow up for applicable permission or compliances,
- Handling, opening, consultancy, submitting customs declaration.